How much do your programmes/services cost?
Costs vary per location and can range from free guided walks to concessionary leisure centre memberships.
Can I still access services if I don't have internet/digital access?
You can self-refer to us directly online or by telephone. All paperwork can be completed over the phone for those unable to use internet/digits forms with a member of your local physical and health team.
Can I still access a gym-based programme?
Yes, the supported 12-week leisure centre scheme that helps people living with a stable and controlled long term health condition to become more active still exists. For those that decide this is the offer that is right for them, subject to eligibility criteria, they will be supported to access those schemes.
Do I still need a clinical referral to access cardiopulmonary rehabilitation services (Phase IV) in the community?
Yes, a clinical referral is still required for cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and for those more complex cases. The latter will be decided on the discretion of the health care professional and/or local physical activity and health team.
Am I 'safe' to exercise without a GP's sign off?
The Physical Activity Risk Consensus Group concluded that physical activity is considered safe for most people. Evidence does not support routine preparticipation medical clearance for people with stable long term health conditions if they build up gradually from their current level. Local physical activity and health teams will carry out the appropriate level of pre participation screening they deem necessary.
Is the support only limited to the sessions and activities ran by the local physical activity and health teams?
No, we can point you in the direction of sports teams/physical activity sessions that may be available to you locally. We use directories or local contacts to help get you more active in a way that best suits you.